10 najgorih pjesma osamdesetih godina

muzikaČitatelji popularnog američkog magazina Rolling Stone odabrali su deset najgorih pjesma osamdesetih godina.

Najgorom je proglašena pjesma We Built This City (On Rock and Roll) od Starshipa, slijedi uspješnica Europea The Final Countdown, laganica The Lady in Red Chrisa de Burgha te Wake Me Up (Before You Go Go) nekad vrlo popularnog Whama!.

Tu su i veliki hitovi poput Rock Me Amadeus, Don’t Worry Be Happy, Never Gonna Give You Up.

Posted by on 2011-10-12. Filed under Film & Muzika, Magazin. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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